Adopting the Microsoft Power Platform in the enterprise

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More and more large organizations with complex missions are connecting siloed data, engaging customers, and driving ROI with amazing custom solutions on Power Platform — Microsoft Power Apps, Power BI, Microsoft Flow and the Common Data Service (CDS). Mature organizations realize that rigor, discipline, and best practices are needed to truly adopt such a nimble, yet versatile, platform at scale. This session introduces the Power Platform Adoption Framework and gives an overview of its start-to-finish approach to help you and your organization get the most value out of any form of Power Platform available to you today. We also share how other enterprise organizations have scaled with large and complex needs using Power Platform and what were the tools, best practices and patterns they explored and used to become successful adopters.

I presented this quick 20-minute session “Adopting the Microsoft Power Platform in the enterprise“ at Microsoft Ignite several weeks ago. There’s a recording that I thought I’d share for those interested in the topic that could not make it to Orlando or to the session itself.


How I stay on track, focus on what's important, and get things done


My new book — “Field Blends” — to be published spring 2020